
Integrating and rolling out Sitoo POS in 200 stores in just 4 months

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Integrating and rolling out a POS in 200 stores in just 4 months

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Inside everyone involved in retail tech there are two wolves; one gets super excited by the thought of new tech and software while the other breaks out in a cold sweat at the thought of having to implement a new system across the whole company. 

Both are right. New software and tech is exciting but, traditionally at least, rolling out new software can be a painstaking process fraught with difficulties. 

There’s integrations with other systems to get right, change management and training, hardware considerations, compliance, security, and a thousand things that sit on the plates of the team running the project.   

There’s a lot to get right…and a lot that can go wrong. It’s why, according to Gartner, half of all retailers regret one or more software purchases made in the past year, with the biggest factors driving regret being difficulty training and onboarding users and poor tech support. 

The Rally House story

So, with this in mind, it’s hardly surprising that the team at Rally House, one of the fastest growing sports retailers in the US, were shocked and found it crazy that they were able to roll out and implement a new POS system across 200 stores in just 4 months. 

Dane Lickteig, Netsuite Architect and Administrator at Rally House, explains: “We have an item database of a million plus SKUs that we know by next year is going to be pushing two and half million. 

“When I told the Sitoo team this, they didn’t blink an eye - I almost thought they hadn’t heard what I said - and this was so important because we needed a POS that had the ability to scale up to our entire inventory, handle instantaneous lookups, and be truly in sync with our source of truth which is NetSuite.  

“We knew it was a big ask and implementing a new POS is a huge project. It usually requires a whole bunch of different things and processes to be reconfigured so it can work. But it amazed me that, honestly, there was no reconfiguring of our internal processes with Sitoo. It really was plug and play. We didn’t have to change any of our processes to fit in with Sitoo’s and that’s just crazy to me. The product itself played a huge role in this. I mean, you can’t roll out that quickly to that many stores without a solid product, right?” 

Aaron Liebert, Rally House CEO, adds: “Most of the time a technology company over promises and rarely delivers. So, when we found Sitoo, we flew everybody over from Sweden to Kansas City to do a beta test. We hunkered down in our offices and executed what’s usually a four to six month implementation in two weeks and launched our first store just six weeks after the contract was signed. 

“It was surprisingly easy, especially given how difficult these types of things usually are. Everything happened really quickly. The hardware is all readily available on the market and the apps are simple to upload to the devices. I still look back at it and think that’s pretty amazing. We’re opening stores left, right, and center. In fact, we opened 50 stores in the middle of implementing a new POS system, with no major hiccups, and I just can’t imagine most retailers would be able to say that.” 

What to look for if you want smooth, speedy, hassle-free implementation and roll-out 

So what can we learn from this? And what lessons can you take away from Rally House’s success if you’re looking at implementing new software. 

Let’s dig into it and start by asking yourself these questions… 

1. How easy is it to implement the software with your existing tech stack? 

Any software you choose should be designed to integrate seamlessly with your existing systems and technologies. This includes compatibility with hardware, software, and third-party applications.  

A great place to start here is to look for the ‘MACH’ seal of approval. If a vendor is certified by the MACH Alliance, it means they are committed to a micro-services, API-first, cloud-native, and headless approach to their development. And, because they are MACH-certified, it means you can trust the vendor to deliver what they say they are delivering.  

In the case of Rally House, Sitoo had pre-built integrations with both Adyen and NetSuite - which played a huge part in making the implementation and roll-out so successful.  

2. Is it simple to scale? 

Systems that are designed to scale easily are much easier to integrate. For example, cloud-native retail software is designed to be highly scalable, allowing you to easily add or remove resources as needed - not just across the company but in specific stores too. This can be especially important for retailers during peak sales periods, when demand for their systems may spike. 

3. Does it require a significant amount of training and onboarding? 

It’s no good implementing a new system if it’s impossible to use. Look for a solution that is easy to use straight out of the box and requires minimal training. If your store associates can pick up a new system and use it straight away, it will make the whole implementation process smoother and way more efficient. 

4. Is the vendor MACH certified? 

 As mentioned above, if a vendor is a certified member of the MACH Alliance then you know their solution is built with an architecture designed to be implemented quickly and integrated with other best-of-breed products. 

As far as we’re concerned at Sitoo, membership of the MACH Alliance gives our customers – and future customers – an additional level of assurance that we are the best of the best and firmly committed to an API-first, open, cloud-native approach to our development. 

Being part of the MACH Alliance is a quality stamp. Innovation, a pioneering approach, and pushing boundaries of what’s possible with retail technology sit at the heart of everything we do. We truly ARE all that MACH stands for: Microservices, API-first, Cloud-native, Headless and that’s why we joined. 

5. Does it feel right? 

For an implementation to be as successful as possible, there has to be a great relationship between you and the vendor. A strong partnership fosters open communication, collaboration, and mutual understanding of goals and expectations. A vendor who understands your unique needs and challenges can provide tailored solutions and support throughout the implementation process. Additionally, a good relationship promotes trust and transparency, enabling you to address issues promptly and work together to overcome obstacles. Effective communication channels facilitate the exchange of feedback, allowing for continuous improvement and optimization of the software to better meet your needs. Ultimately, a positive relationship with the software vendor lays the foundation for a smooth and successful implementation, ensuring that you maximize the benefits of the new software while minimizing disruptions to operations. 

In Summary 

As we proved with Rally House, it is more than possible to implement and roll-out a new POS solution at speed and at scale. But this only happens when both parties are on the same page and put in the hard yards at the beginning to lay the foundations for a thriving and successful partnership. 

The journey of implementing new software, particularly a POS system, across multiple stores can be daunting for any retailer. However, success stories like Rally House's rapid implementation of Sitoo POS across 200 stores in just four months demonstrate that it's not only possible but can be achieved with remarkable efficiency. Rally House's experience highlights key factors to consider when selecting a software vendor for a smooth and speedy implementation. 

 Firstly, the ease of integration with existing systems is paramount. Look for vendors certified by the MACH Alliance, ensuring compatibility and seamless integration with your tech stack. Additionally, scalability is crucial, especially for retailers expecting growth. Cloud-native solutions offer the flexibility to adapt to changing needs without significant disruptions. 

Furthermore, the training and onboarding process should be straightforward. A user-friendly interface and minimal training requirements ensure quick adoption by store associates, enhancing overall efficiency. Building a strong relationship with the vendor is equally important.  

 As you embark on the journey of implementing new software, consider these factors carefully.  

 If you want to discover more, book a demo to experience the POS system everyone is talking about - one that can be implemented in record time - and witness firsthand how a straong partnership with the right vendor can transform your retail operations. 

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